SOUL BURNER / by Matt Oberski

Sixteen weeks later…

Hey y’all! Since my last entry, we’ve driven hard into 2022, with just as much turmoil and stress as we’ve come to expect over the last two years. That’s not to say it’s been utter hell - there have been so many good things that have happened or are happening thus far, and more are sure to come! We keep our heads up! One of those wonderful things that is happening is a little thing called Soul Burner.

In short, my new friend Adam Vass, of World Champ Gaming Co., asked me to produce the art for his newest TTRPG. I was fucking stoked. I said “HELL yes”. Adam and I had met while tabling next to each other at Grand Rapids Zine Fest last year, and we quickly found out we not only dug each other’s work, but we had a ton in common as far as art and music go, as well as just a general life philosophy. And when Adam suggested we collab on a project in the future while we closed up shop, he meant it. His writing and my art have coalesced into a violent, hellish creation that spits fire and craves bloodshed. A lovely little game.

Creating the artwork for Soul Burner has been extremely fulfilling, and a good challenge. In all honesty, my illustrative abilities have never been tested like this before; I still lean on photocollage for a lot of the creatures and designs throughout, but for my vision as well as Adam’s, photos can only get us so far when we want to see wretched hellspawn in a barren landscape eager to destroy your smoldering body for the second or third time. I’ve found myself drawing more, appreciating the use of references (which may sound funny to some, but I generally try to rely on my past work for much of…my own new work), and, surprise surprise, taking my time on things! But more on my own personal growth another time.

As of now, the game is still in the crowdfunding stage, with our kickstarter campaign ending this Friday. I’m please to say it’s doing pretty well. While I won’t tell you everything included within these scorched pages, I will say this: If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to have your soul trapped in the smoldering remains of your burned corpse, slowly building your strength back up purely out of spite, driven by thoughts of revenge, until you no longer resemble your former self (or any other living creature for that matter), destroying everything that crosses your cursed path in order to slay the one who brought this nightmarish fate upon you in the first place, Soul Burner is the perfect game for you.

The cover for Soul Burner, a tabletop role-playing game from World Champ Game Co., written by Adam Vass and illustrated by myself.